
The 3B-Bold Beautiful Beauty brand was established to uplift women of all races, nationalities, and all walks of life. Our CEO Sarah wanted to encourage women that they are beautiful and wonderfully made in God's image.

The 3B motto for women is: "All women are a child of the King; therefore all women are Queens." 

The purpose of 3B is to make women aware from all walks of life that your looks don't have to mimic those of a supermodel, your body doesn't have to replicate that of the likes of Beyonce', Rihanna, or J-Lo, but as long as you know who you are that the opinion of no one else matters. 3B desires to help every woman who has been at their breaking point and on the edge of tapping out on life, those women who in essence just want to give up because they feel the weight of the world is just too much. 

The goal of 3B is to assist women in realizing their true potential of "Who You Are and Whose You Are". You are indeed a "3B-Bold Beautiful Beauty"

 Meet The Team